Political Theology Matters

Christians, make the moral choice: demand Trump’s impeachment and conviction by your elected officials

Trump is a pre-fascist. He has moved well beyond an autocrat--one who rules with real or perceived unlimited power. We cannot ignore the president’s sedition and that of his die-hard followers.
Rioters at the United States Capitol Building
Pro-Trump supporters push back against police at the United States Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. on January 06, 2021. Image: Jessica Griffin, The Philadelphia Inquirer

Even though the church must be neutral in supporting elected officials, the church’s faithful must always demand that politicians act according to what we know is right—with moral conviction and integrity.

We certainly can speak to the issues, even as charities. And we, as individuals, have broad protections under the First Amendment. The Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, Michael B. Curry, Jr., declared the following,

“Partisan neutrality does not mean moral neutrality.”

After watching the storming of the Capitol last week, I worry that we sometimes feel worn down and defeated by immoral behavior. Or, we become cynical and embittered to the point that we no longer feel we can call out immorality when we see it. Consequently, today Political Theology Matters (PTM) calls out the immorality of this president.  PTM is not a charity, so the rules that prohibit a charity’s speech about candidates and elected officials do not apply. 

Trump is a pre-fascist. He has moved well beyond an autocrat–one who rules with real or perceived unlimited power. The examples below are listed to set the stage for what happened last week and not to ignore the president’s sedition and that of his die-hard followers.

Children in Cages

The caging and detention of immigrant children, separating even infants from their parents, and housing them in such squalor that a federal court had to intervene. Federal agents cannot locate the parents of about 700 children since these separations. Regardless of how you feel about undocumented immigrants and refugees entering the country, our barbaric actions must stop.

Incapable of telling the truth

In July 2020, the Washington Post documented over 20,000 false or misleading statements issued by the president while in office. In the Ten Commandments, God commands that we shall not lie or bear false witness against our neighbor. This president is wholly untrustworthy and must not lead our beloved country for one more day.

This president daily exhibits the worst of human behavior

Crass, sexist, raunchy, racist rhetoric and insulting comments about disabled people make this president the most unpresidential elected leader in our history. His offensive speech and conduct are well-documented and indisputable. He lies, cheats, and does whatever he wants without ever taking an iota of responsibility. 

Using the Executive Order to bypass Congressional legislation

The president has allegedly violated the constitution numerous times. He has no respect for the constitutional checks and balances and has repudiated the emoluments clause. Further, he has fired or constructively discharged high-ranking officials trying to do their jobs by calling out corruption. This defeats the importance of whistleblowers. 

Impeached once already in 2020

Today, the House will impeach Trump a second time. Trump will be the first American president to be impeached twice, a damning accomplishment to his near democracy-destroying presidency. He has already been impeached for abuse of power and withholding Congressional monies appropriated as foreign aid. Trump did this to create leverage for illegal investigations against President-elect Biden and his son, Hunter.

The Senate heard plenty of evidence to prove the articles of impeachment. Predictably, Republican cronyism in the Senate let him off the hook. The acquittal also emboldened Trump to even more egregious behavior, the worst of which so far involved riling an angry mob to stop the vice president from overseeing certification in the Senate as constitutionally mandated.

Peaceful Protesters attacked for a troubling photo- op

The US attorney general, William F. Barr, and the president orchestrated the violent breakup of a peaceable assembly in front of the White House during a Black Lives Matter protest. Unbelievably, Trump and his minions engaged at least 12 different police departments to break up the crowd. Police used tear gas, rubber bullets, and flash-bangs to disburse the assembly that had been peaceful for hours and hours. While not proven in a court of law yet, people were prohibited from exercising their rights under the First Amendment. Many were also hurt and traumatized. This was morally wrong, to say the least.

Pandering to a Right-Wing Christian Theocracy?

Astonishingly, the AG and the president caused immeasurable harm in halting a peaceful assembly. People were physically hurt. They did this so that the president could walk a Bible over to a church to hold it up for a photo-op. Constitutional scholars will spill much ink on that event for years to come.

Inability to deal with the pandemic honestly and through science

At this writing 400,000 Americans have lost their lives to a pandemic that the president has politicized in the ridiculous “no mask” camp. Hosting super-spreader events, mocking people who take precautions, and generally ignoring what’s happening since his election defeat, Americans have been left literally hanging on for dear life. The president cares not.

No taxes for the self-described billionaire

Finally, the American public obtained the president’s tax records after nearly four years of legal wrangling. And now we know why Trump withheld them. How does a billionaire pay $750 in taxes for a calendar year? He is proud of himself and thinks this makes him look smart.

Woven through this morass of detestable behavior are direct correlations to fascism committed by Trump and his cronies:

  • Ultranationalism
  • Charismatic leadership
  • Anti-Constitutionalism
  • Interfering or attempting to interfere with an independent press
  • Interfering or attempting to interfere with the judicial system
  • Racism
  • A single [acceptable] party–Republicans
  • Paramilitarism
  • Violence, actual and threatened
  • Anti-socialism and anticommunism
  • Anti-liberalism
  • Dictatorship

How are these characteristics showing up in American society?

I urge you to contact your elected officials to demand impeachment and conviction. This will also prohibit Trump from holding public office in future. Demand what is right. 

Need contact info for your House Rep and Senators? Visit the Common Cause website to learn how you can take action now.



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2 thoughts on “Christians, make the moral choice: demand Trump’s impeachment and conviction by your elected officials”

  1. I enjoy your articles and needed this summery, some things I’d forgotten as every day seems to bring forth a new atrocity. Thank you for attaching the link for taking the next steps!

    1. The Rev. Dr. Marcia Ledford, Esq.

      Thank you, Rye Ruth for your kind words, and I am glad this was helpful. Your feedback is very important to me, and I hope I hear from you soon. Peace and Blessings. M

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