Political Theology Matters

Let’s Turn the World Upside Down (Pt. 1 of 3)

The Word of God is for everyone. Nehemiah tells us 6 times that all of the people were there. What a marvelous teaching for us to learn and practice — to include all as worthy to Love God and to hear God’s Holy Word!

For the next 3 weeks, we will read and explore the readings for the Third Sunday after the Epiphany. This week, we will look to the Book of Nehemiah, when post-exilic Israel reunites and hears the Law and the Prophets read aloud. It’s the first time in 70 years that they have been able to do this.

Imagine this day when the People hear the Law together for the first time since the time of Moses! Israel was a people in crisis despite having been freed from Babylon. Military invasions and occupations, and exiles have a habit of unraveling a culture and faith. The Israelites had the enormous task of re-establishing their identity while incorporating their beloved past and Torah, but also in creating unity and hope for the future.

Torah means “teachings,” not to cause us to fear, but to help us live a Holy life. Our Hebrew text fast-forwards us to the great celebration of post-exilic Israel. This is a big deal! The wall is rebuilt, and the gates are restored. A high stage is built for Ezra and is mindful of Moses giving the Law from above the people. 

But what is the first thing that happens when the people hear the Law?

Weeping as Holy

They cry, and weep! Why? Think about what would happen if we were exiled and could not hear the Word on pain of death or serious consequences. What if we could not gather for 70 years? The people’s emotion is understandable here.

Perhaps they wept because they knew their prior behavior and departure from the Law served as the reason God exiled them in the first place. I think that is correct. They are contrite and reverential in their worship.

Perhaps they were so overwhelmed to be reunited with Torah, the life-giving gift from God, made for God’s eternal creation. Because ultimately, through the Word and Spirit, we are children of a God who speaks to us now, in our time, flowing from theirs. 

This text does something else very important for us: it gives us a model for worship, to stand for the Word out of reverence, to bow our heads in humble obedience and prayer, to say Amen — so be it! We just did that. Nehemiah’s loving memoir gives us the info and the space for us to follow suit. To assent to the calling, instruction, Teaching, Torah! 

Interpretation of Biblical Texts is Essential

Nehemiah also tells us that interpretation is essential, and the Levites, the priestly tribe, assist Ezra in explaining the Word to the people, at that time, and in their context, and miraculously the Word still rings true. The Law requires updating, understanding, and interpreting anew in light of the new situations, behaviors, and events encountered by the People.

All means All

The Word of God is for everyone. Nehemiah tells us 6 times that all of the people were there. 

The gathering occurred at the water gate and that has great significance. They gathered at the water gate so that even those who were ritually unclean could join the crowd. It was close to the Temple but outside of the various precincts, allowing women and laymen to attend. This location was specifically designed to bring the Word to all. What a marvelous teaching for us to learn and practice — to include all as worthy to Love God and to hear God’s Holy Word!

We learn here too, that rejoicing in God’s Word and God’s Love are celebrated in holiness — even extravagance — eating the fat and drinking the sweet wine. Holiness can be found in our rejoicing!

Turning the World Right Side Up

That day when Ezra read the Law and the Prophets, God’s Spirit bound them together. The Word read aloud for all to hear gave Israel a re-established plumb line — and a brand new day. It turned their world right side up

Next week, we will visit the Gospel in Luke 4 when Jesus announces his mission….


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