Political Theology Matters

Why do We Need Political Theology?

The US immigration system needs a complete overhaul because it is jammed by bureaucracy and greed.
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Progressive Christians remain relatively quiet in the public square, even though the federal constitution protects our speech. Compared to more traditional corners of Christ’s vineyard, we fail to respond and assert our theology. The reasons for this are varied, yet we need to express our theology clearly and proactively whenever and wherever possible. When laws become rigid and cause systemic dysfunction and injustice, we must work to change them.

 Christ calls us to work for social justice, just as he did. We interpret the Gospel as inclusive and compassionate. As a result, we must respect others especially when they differ from us or need our help. Our theology of radical hospitality welcomes and respects all people. Therefore, we have a duty, if we call ourselves Christians, to spread the Good News of love, peace, and compassion. Political Theology is essential today, perhaps now more than other. It cuts through the divisiveness with a message of love and hope.

 Unfortunately, we usually react to an opposing theological understanding. Instead, we must frame our theological discussions. For example, Jesus told Peter to “Feed my sheep, feed my lambs, feed my sheep,” after Jesus rose from the grave. What does feeding Christ’s lambs and sheep look like today?  Taking infants and babes from the arms of anguished parents completely fails to nourish them emotionally and spiritually. Caging children and infants fails to feed or nourish them physically. Refusing them basic hygiene like regular baths and toothbrushes is unconscionable.


A man's hand holds onto a cyclone fence. An American flag serves as the background.











Detaining refugees indefinitely does not constitute caring for them. Consequently, when we engage in political theology, we offer the public another viewpoint to consider. It is not about getting into big arguments with opponents, because the foundation of a democracy is a free exchange of ideas.







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