Political Theology Matters

Eastertide: Behold all Things are Made New

Eastertide presents us with a clean slate. Our sins are forgiven so that we can focus on ushering in the Reign of God in new and creative ways.
Castagno, Andrea del, 1423-1457. Resurrection of Christ, from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN.

A lot happens in springtime — Ash Wednesday, Lent, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and of course Easter Sunday. We’ve journeyed with Jesus as he spread the Good News far and near until “he set his face for Jerusalem” to endure a trial and crucifixion, and his resurrection.

Now we’ve entered the Great 50 days of Eastertide, and two more major events occur in addition to Jesus’ post-resurrection presence, complete with instructions to tell his story to all who would listen. After 40 days of his post-resurrection ministry, Jesus was with the disciples and suddenly ascended into the clouds of heaven right before their very eyes.

On the 50th day after Easter, the Holy Spirit came to the disciples as a loud rushing wind appearing as tongues of fire over their heads. Jesus had previously promised that the Holy Spirit would come to them and be with all the believers, including us today, to comfort, sustain, and lead us until his return.

In summary, Jesus assured the disciples after his resurrection that he had beaten death and so would they. For this to happen, Jesus had to entrust his ministry to them for it to not only survive, but to grow to “the ends of the earth.” That’s where we are today.

Eastertide presents us with a clean slate. As a matter of fact, we don’t even make confession during worship in Eastertide because the focus is on our new lives in Christ. Our sins are forgiven so that we can focus on ushering in the Reign of God in new and creative ways.

Like the tomb, sin and death have become empty. The stone of impossibility has been set aside.

As disciples, we are now full of possibility in Jesus Christ.

What will become new in your life to help usher in the Reign of God?

How can we make this world new as the thoughts, eyes, words, hands, feet and heart of Christ?
(Share with us in the comment section.)

Blessings on your Eastertide journey.+



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