Political Theology Matters

Critical Race Theory: An Introduction

CRT opponents have twisted CRT’s intended use for their conniving purposes. Anti-CRT activists seek to deny the extent to which racism still systemically dictates the workings of our society. 
critical race theory

What is critical race theory in simple terms? 

A Progressive legal movement that seeks to transform the relationship among race, racism, and power. It seeks to transform institutions rather than individuals.

A much-needed time of reflection and action by US society

After the death of George Floyd in May 2020, the US society, particularly white Americans, entered into a period of genuine soul-searching about our shameful past involving slavery, Reconstruction lynching, and Jim Crow (separate is equal). We had to do this because Floyd’s killing was yet one more example of postmodern lynching, which usually happens at the hands of police officers. 

This murder distinguished itself because bystanders videotaped it. America found it impossible to turn a blind eye once again. May this time of reflection and action for justice continue with peaceful demonstrations and faith-based advocacy!

The late, great Congressman John Lewis

A great civil rights hero fell in 2020 alongside George Floyd. As we grappled with the devastating reality that George Floyd was lynched before our very eyes, our country lost Congressman John Lewis. Through Lewis’ amazing and courageous efforts, we revisited his activism leading to the Voting Rights Act of 1965. 

We saw footage of an Alabama State Trooper nearly beating Mr. Lewis to death in the shadows of the Edmund Pettis Bridge. The marchers had just crossed that bridge only to be set upon by a governmentally sanctioned attack on unarmed Americans. The irony of parallel police violence could not be ignored. Police lynched Floyd and nearly lynched Lewis.

After Rep. Lewis died of cancer last year, we watched his funeral cortege slowly cross the Edmund Pettis Bridge as a fitting and peaceful crossing over that infamous landmark. Mr. Lewis clearly stated he did not want that bridge renamed for him. He wanted history to remain in full, undeniable view. He wanted the past to remain readily available to all who would choose to opt for a clear-eyed examination of our wretched past.

A short history of critical race theory

One of the chief means of examining the function of race and institutional racism in the US has become known as critical race theory (CRT). It developed initially at Harvard Law School in the ’70s and early ‘80s, under the auspices of law professor, the late Derrick Bell. CRT provides a method for such a “clear-eyed examination of our wretched past.” Regrettably, in recent months, CRT has come under attack. 

According to a recent Forbes article by Peter Greene, the Wisconsin State Assembly currently considers a bill that would ban teaching on topics such as:

Social Emotional Learning, ‘Diversity, Equity and Inclusion,’ culturally responsive teaching, anti-racism, conscious and unconscious bias, culturally responsive practices, diversity training, equity, microaggressions, multiculturalism, patriarchy, restorative justice, social justice, systemic racism, white privilege, white supremacy and ‘woke,’ among others,

per Chuck Wichgers, one of the bill’s co-authors. (I underlined terms that derive directly or indirectly from CRT. Notice CRT is not directly mentioned.) 

Wolves in sheep’s clothing

Roughly 24 states also debate comparable to the Wisconsin proposed legislation, and almost none of them mention CRT specifically, as demonstrated by the Wisconsin example above. I view this as an attempt to veil their racist motives. Skirting CRT without admitting they actually attack CRT is just one more form of rampant hypocrisy and skullduggery. It has the same chilling effect as the voter suppression bills du jour. 

The State of Tennessee has already banned teaching CRT. However, note that universities offer CRT courses at the graduate school level. The closest I got to learn about slavery and reconstruction occurred in a high school history course on the Civil War. The teacher focused mostly on the war itself and the key players. We had a bit of discussion about whether states’ rights served as the reason for the war (they were, indirectly).

According to journalists Barbara Sprunt and Lulu Garcia-Navarro of NPR, CRT has always been a postgraduate course. Teaching CRT prior to college work would be like teaching electrical engineering in high school. 

Manufacturing another culture war

In the same article, Sprunt and Garcia-Navarro report that Christopher Rufo, a former government documentarian, alerted Trump to CRT. It was Rufo,

[W]ho essentially saw it as a political opportunity to manufacture a culture war issue. And he’s been transparent about that… in March [Rufo tweeted that], the goal is to have the public read something crazy in the newspaper and immediately think critical race theory.” (my emphasis added)

God forbid that we white people be made uncomfortable about the racism we sustain

Insightfully, the NPR reporters also stated that,

[M]any Republicans and right-wing media have co-opted this term, and they’re using it as a catch-all way of describing basically any conversation about race or racism that makes white people uncomfortable. So conversations about white privilege, having dialogues about anti-racism — these have all been branded falsely as critical race theory.” (my emphasis added)

I believe that many white people still oppose racial reckoning through national acknowledgment of our past practices of slavery and lynching. Whites fear a loss of power and now use CRT as their battle cry. In reality, CRT opponents have twisted CRT’s intended use for their conniving purposes. Anti-CRT activists seek to deny the extent to which racism still systemically dictates the workings of our society. 

The “many tentacles” of CRT

Conservative parents want to directly shield their kids from learning about our flawed and sinful history. Yet our society expects black and brown kids to live through the trauma of our racist system on a daily basis! 

Predictably, anti-CRT adherents believe that CRT has seeped into school curricula. Disturbingly, the Forbes reporter compiled several examples of groups around the country who wish to thwart learning about social issues in the classroom.

Florida Citizens Alliance talks about “the many tentacles” of CRT, including words like “equity” and “diversity.” Textbooks including “culturally sensitive teaching” are widely considered CRT red flags by anti-CRT groups. Parents Defending Education offers a blanket condemnation of all “woke” policies. Nevada Family Alliance worries that schools are indoctrinating students to “lead the effort to accomplish ‘social justice.’’ State-level efforts to solicit complaints in Idaho and North Carolina turned up complaints about LGBTQ issues and students being forced to watch CNN. 

Sadly enough, Christian religious conservatives reject terminology like “diversity.” 

The Christian Post complained “about the ‘religious adherents to the new cult of Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity.’” (my emphasis added)

Jesus taught and modeled “diversity” and “inclusion” at every turn in his ministry. Compassion is Jesus’ hallmark, and inclusion is his commandment.

We will look at how CRT works, its critiques, and the spin-off theories

Over the next few weeks, I will give an overview of CRT, including critiques. I encourage you to think about the importance of dismantling institutional racism. CRT has spun off many other methods to undo institutional racism, sexism, and heterosexism, too. We will take a look at: 

LatCrit, AsianCrit, Arab/MuslimCrit, FemCrit, and QueerCrit.

Blessings on your journey of recognizing the “isms” that hold us all back.


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